Monday, February 28, 2011

Sa Ta Na Ma

                                           Birth, Life, Death, Rebirth.....SA TA NA MA
This is Kirtin Kriya, a meditation I do quite often in my Kundalini Yoga practice. It's wonderfully relaxing, cleansing, and uplifting. One of the reasons I practice Kundalini over all other forms of yoga is because it allows me to go inside of myself and pull out who I really am. I become strong, one with the universe and it's flow. I feel amazing inside and out.
I need to take up this meditation on a daily basis again, especially right now. I have been absent from most forms of communication lately and have sort of crawled into my turtle shell and have stayed there. I'm slowly coming out again and trying to get back on track. 

I lost a member of my family on Valentine's Day. Hence the reason for my blog title - Birth,Life,Death, Rebirth. Losing someone very close to me is causing me to examine life and death all over again and in a whole new way. Life as I knew it before Feb. 14 will never be the same for me. It's time to pull myself together and start thinking and reflecting. I feel ready for a renewal in my life. If I took one thing from my Aunt's death, it was to completely awaken and really LIVE. Just because you are alive doesn't meaning you are actually living. I saw in her how precious time really is as her body became too sick to survive on earth. I saw how incredible and brave and strong she was towards the end - how she left this world with grace and dignity. This has been on the forefront of my mind for the past two weeks  - I have been thinking about how much I want to be like her. I want to start NOW, not wait until something happens to me to make me realize how precious life is. You hear people saying those cliche lines all the time - life moves fast, stop and enjoy the little things...blah blah people actually do it? For real? I know before this I THOUGHT I was, but now I realized I'm really not living life to it's full potential. I hadn't examined the spiritual side of things enough. I haven't yet gotten my mind away from the fact that I'm not invincible....when you are young, you think that nothing can happen to you. You feel like the world is at your feet waiting patiently for you to decide what you want out of it. It's not's total horse manure. 
So through the practice of meditation and my beloved Kundalini Yoga, I am hoping to find myself. Also through my continued studies in Buddhism and in keeping an open mind for all other spiritual beliefs, I hope to find comfort and peace. 
A Kundalini teacher I follow and learn from says, " When one door closes, another one opens". My Aunt's death was necessary for a greater purpose and I understand that now. She opened a door for me in my life - she showed me what it's like to fight, to live, to be strong, to always smile and be happy. She was an absolutely amazing soul, someone if you met you would never ever forget. She was respected and loved so much. Through her grace, beauty, and transformation in this life, I have learned just a little bit more about what it means to be a real, strong woman. To keep going and to really really really live. I know she is always here with me and I will continue to push on and upward in her honor.